
Judith Daams is a self-taught fine artist and specialized in painting birds and other animals. Her style is characterised by refined brush strokes and a lot of detail in her subjects. Daams’ paintings are best described as animal still lifes where a single animal is placed in minimalistic environment, often like a traditional still life, but with more negative space and often colourful but soft backgrounds. In her work, Daams looks for a subtle tension between humans and animals. It started with her curiosity about the human urge to seek connection with animals. People project human emotions on animals even if they do not have strong facial expressions. The paintings are aesthetically appealing, express a certain tranquillity and invite the viewer to come closer to observe the details and get to know the subject. The distinctive negative space seems to give the subject air to move in its environment. By isolating the animals from their natural habitat, the artist emphasizes the focus on the textures and beauty of the subject and gives the viewer a clear path for their curiosity. In this way Daams questions the position of mankind in relation to other life, nature and beauty.